"love Languages"
can build stronger relationships
I think this recent commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIfRqrSjJis shows how a simple gesture of cooking dinner and then completing a mountain of dishes can impress a partner and generate a loving response. Exaggerated gender stereotypes aside, it illustrates well how love can be communicated non-verbally through “acts of service and physical touch,” two of the five love languages created by author Gary Chapman.
Love is not a science experiment, but identifying the top love languages present in your relationship, can be a useful tool to receiving what you need in your relationship. It can also be beneficial in understanding ways to give or show love that your partner desires.
The key is to communicate love to your partner in the “love language” they most like to receive it, rather than giving love in the way you prefer to receive it. See here how one couple put love languages to the test and developed a closer bond.
We miss opportunities to connect in our relationships when we are not tuned into what each other are most hoping for or needing. Discover your love language by taking a short quiz, and learn whether doing more dishes might just add a little spark to your evenings.
5 Languages of "Love"
Physical touch: Simple touches on the shoulder, hugs, and kisses, communicate love and comfort to a partner.
Quality time: Special time set aside, participating in shared activities and giving focused attention are what a partner craves.
Gifts: Any type of gifts, large or small, are key to partners seeking love in this way.
Acts of service: Communicate that you truly care for, enjoy and appreciate your partner by going out of your way to complete desired activities/tasks without being asked.
Words of affirmation: Providing honest, authentic, genuine, and focused compliments and positive, affirming words of encouragement are music to this partner’s ears.